
The captureBOT scans all messages send to them and automatictly adds a lookout if it detects a message containing a numberplate.
Users or group administrators are encourage to add one of our captureBOT's to there crime fighting groups.

freemirrorBOT Telegram

The NPS system DOES NOT publish a list of numberplates.
It works on user request ONLY, the system checks and replies with the messages containing information for the enquired number plate only.

captureBOT or mirrorBOT

The difference between a captureBOT and a mirrorBOT... captureBOT's cannot send messages to groups and are only used to scan and gather lookout reports, while the mirrorBOT are used by group administrators to interlink groups and or platforms together

How they work

These BOT's (automated programs) monitor all posts posted to groups, when a number plate is recognized in a post that post is captured and stored as a lookout on the NP Tracker national database.

If you come across anything along the way that we haven’t covered, or if you know of a tip you think others would find handy, please let us know and we’ll see about including it in this guide.