Motor Vehicle Licence scans

Motor vehicle licence disk scanning can be done with either the NPS-LIC or NPS-ACCESS android applications

Info displayed




Scan and decode (RC)
Scan and decode (MVL)
Scan date & time
Scan type (Entry/Exit)
Vehicle registration number
Expiry date on disk (With an icon to visually assist)
Plate status on NP Tracker (With an icon to visually assist)
Third party info* status (With an icon to visually assist)
VIN number of vehicle
VIN manufacturer#
VIN manufacturer AND compared with VIN decoder#
VIN model AND compared with VIN decoder#
VIN manufacturing plant#
VIN manufacturing year#
Vehicle description
Vehicle colour
Engine number
Image of vehicle/model (if available)

Drivers Licence scans

Info displayed




Scan and decode (DL)
Scan date & time
Scan type (Entry/Exit)
Driver Initials & Surname
Drivers ID number
Drivers age
Drivers Vehicle restrictions
Drivers restrictions
Expiry date of drivers licence
Photo of driver

If you come across anything along the way that we haven’t covered, or if you know of a tip you think others would find handy, please let us know and we’ll see about including it in this guide.