Database related

The NP Tracker Suspect and Suspicious Vehicle Database

User Vehicle Lookup BOTs

NP Tracker on Telegram

NP Tracker on Whatsapp


NPS-VCR. Vehicle Check report

NPS-VAULT. Secure vault for private vehicle information

NPS-VIL. Vehicle Image Libary

NPS-CLONE. Vehicle clone detector/database

NPS-SHARE. Sharing intel initiative

NPS-CLONE. Vehicle clone detector/database

Visitor screening/recording applications

NPS-ACCESS. Visitor detail scanner including drivers licence and motor vehicle licence disk scanner

NPS-Licence disk scanner. Vehicle detail scanner

NPS-CLOUD Always online CLOUD access

Programming interfaces

NPS-API. Programming interface, also see

NPS-VCR. Vehicle Check report

NPS-CLONE. Vehicle clone detector/database

NPS-SHARE. Sharing intel initiative

NPS-VIL. Vehicle Image Libary

NPS-DL. South African Drivers Licence barcode decoder API

NPS-ANPR. Automatic Number Plate Recognition on the Raspberry Pi & NPS-CLOUD

NPS-ID. Decode API for the South African ID card barcode

Group control and management -Administrators helpers-

Freemirror. Inter group communication toolset

Group Joiner. Telegram group joiner based on user location

LBSN. User Location Based Support Network toolset - users gets added to virtual groups

We are always expanding if you have an idea that align with ours please feel free to contact us for a partnership and cooperation agreement.

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